Sunday Service
Jesus at the centre – learning to live the life, walk the walk in everything we do.

Worship Time: Sunday Morning 10:00 AM

Alderwood Church Mission Statement:


Proverbs 3:6

Listen for God’s voice in all you do. God is the one who will keep you on track


Matthew 11:29

Jesus said, “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”


John 13:35

Jesus said, “By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.”


Alderwood Church Sanctuary 

Alderwood Church Fellowship Room

In-person Sunday services are lived streamed every week. 

All Sunday services can be found on YouTube



Songs are projected onto two multimedia screens in the sanctuary. Worship is a mix of contemporary Christian music and classic Gospel hymns. 

Sermons are based on a passage of the bible with a focus on life application.



Children’s and Youth Classes meet throughout the school year.

Babies can spend worship time in the family room (nursery) with parents or remain with them in church.

Pre-school Children (2-4 yrs) remain in the sanctuary with their parents at the beginning of worship and are invited to follow the Christ candle to the Preschool room prior to the scripture reading.

Children (5-13 yrs) begin worship upstairs with their parents and are invited to follow the Christ candle to Godly Play prior to the scripture reading.

Youth and Young Adults (14 yrs+) remain in the service or are encouraged to assist younger classes.



Wheelchair Accessible: If you require an elevator for accessibility, we have reserved parking for you in the north parking lot. Come in through the glass doors and someone will assist you

Hearing Assistance devices are offered for those who need them. Please ask at the sound booth for assistance upon your arrival.



Fellowship Time immediately following the service tea, coffee and refreshments are offered in the fellowship room.